

Size: 38mm diameter & 3.5mm thickness

Obverse: Full-color hard enamel plus black nickel finish

Reverse: Stamped metal in black nickel with white hard enamel

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Challenge Coin

Date: June 2019

The North Texas Royal Rangers decided to start giving attendees of our Junior Leadership Development Academy a challenge coin that they receive upon completion of a camp in our academy.

The challenge coin is shaped identical to the academy patch every attendee to a boys training camp in North Texas Royal Rangers receives.  On the obverse (front) side, I used the artwork from the academy patch. On the reverse (back) side, is the scripture verse Luke 2:52, from which we get the four ways a boy grows – mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially – along with the mission, “Evangelize, Equip, Empower.”