Postcard – TrowerTech Wed, 06 Mar 2019 19:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2019 FCF Family Days Postcard Wed, 06 Mar 2019 19:55:32 +0000

This postcard I created for the 2019 FCF Family Days.  The event historically was held in mid- to late-October, but due to weather issues the past few years, it has been moved to the end of March. The theme for the event is “Transformation”.

The front of the postcard includes a background of a palm tree in silhouette.  I based the background off a design element from the event’s medallion.  The text utilizes a sans-serif typeface with the event medallion in the foreground.  Since this event is being held at a different time of the year, I added a blue banner along the bottom to draw attention to the date change.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: February 2019

2019 Brush Poppin’ Trace Postcard Mon, 04 Feb 2019 06:28:39 +0000

This postcard I created for the 2019 Brush Poppin’ Trace, held annually in late February or early March. The theme for the event is “Jesus is the way”.

The front of the postcard includes a background of an old oil lamp.  The text utilizes a sans-serif typeface with the event medallion in the foreground.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: January 2019

2018 Ranger Kids Day Camp Postcard Mon, 13 Aug 2018 04:02:11 +0000

This postcard I created for the 2018 Ranger Kids Day Camp, held annually in September. The theme for the day event was “Building Blocks of Faith”, a Lego®-based theme.

The front of the postcard includes a background of scattered Lego® blocks.  The text utilizes a typeface based on the Lego® logo with the event patch in the middle.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: August 2018

2018 Pow Wow Postcard Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:34:53 +0000

The North Texas Royal Rangers 2018 Pow Wow, their largest event for boys, the theme was Highway to Heaven.

The front of the postcard was designed with a classic sports car in the background with event info in the foreground.  Some of the activities at the camp included a Ranger derby with pinewood cars and a Lego Derby.  As a nod to those activities and to let people know that they could register online, a flag banner was included with the racing black and white alternating squares.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: March 2018

2018 Brush Poppin’ Trace Postcard Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:30:34 +0000

The North Texas Royal Rangers chapter of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF), known as the the NTX Shawnee Trail Chapter, hold an annual Brush Poppin’ Trace every year for members of FCF.  The theme for the 2018 event was 50 Years Along the Shawnee Trail.  The theme was picked to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NTX Shawnee Trail Chapter of FCF.

The inspiration for the front of the postcard has a picture of a fire at night.  The fire is an important symbol in FCF.  In the foreground, there is a row of pictures from throughout the history of the Shawnee Trail Chapter and the event info.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: January 2018

2017 Winter Camp Postcard Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:19:52 +0000

In 2017, the theme for the North Texas Royal Rangers annual Winter Camp was Hit the Mark.

On the front of the postcard, I used a photo of a young man getting ready to shoot an arrow in archery.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: September 2017

2017-18 Chartering Postcard Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:16:07 +0000

Every year, churches running Royal Rangers are asked to charter their leaders and boys. To help remind churches to charter, the North Texas Royal Rangers mails out a postcard in mid-September to churches that haven’t chartered for the new charter year to remind them to charter by the end of October.

The inspiration for this postcard was canoeing, a popular activity amongst older boys in Royal Rangers.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: September 2017

2017 Brush Poppin’ Trace Postcard Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:02:03 +0000

The North Texas Royal Rangers chapter of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF), known as the the NTX Shawnee Trail Chapter, hold an annual Brush Poppin’ Trace every year for members of FCF.  The theme for the 2017 event was Come Join the Adventure.

The inspiration for the front of the postcard comes from the medallion artwork for the event.  It depicts a frontiersmen camp site with a fire and teepee in the woods near a mountain and creek.  The frontiersmen is holding a bow and arrow ready to hunt a deer.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: January 2017

Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Promo Postcard Thu, 28 Jun 2018 18:33:37 +0000

In 2016, as part of the annual Winter Camp, the North Texas Royal Rangers as part of our effort to promote the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) during their 50th anniversary, we distributed an FCF promo postcard to every camper that describes what FCF is and how to join.

On the front of the postcard, in the background I used a photograph from a FCF camp showing multiple shelters.  In the foreground, I used several photographs, all from FCF events showing activities in FCF.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: November 2016

2016 Winter Camp Postcard Thu, 28 Jun 2018 18:22:44 +0000

In 2016, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF), the North Texas Royal Rangers went with an FCF-theme for its annual Winter Camp.

On the front of the postcard, I took part of the FCF flame used in various logos for the organization over the years and part of the Royal Rangers starburst to create a custom logo for the 50th anniversary for use in our district.  In the background, I went with a solid black background with stripes for the three types of points in the Royal Rangers Emblem.

Designed For: North Texas Royal Rangers

Category: Postcard Design

Date: September 2014
